A clean business is a great business.

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The word business is sometimes comparable to a race. At first instance we see everybody starting from the same point, however if we look closely there are some who bend the rules to win the race.

We have a firm belief that ethics is a balance, which must be maintained to retain the trust of the clients, customers and all company stakeholders. Companies must do their utmost to prevent any compromise on ethics and integrity in their business dealings. Ethics is the key to a company’s competitiveness therefore it is important to embed it into an organization’s culture and policies.

The management of PCIS is very clear about this fact since the commencement of their operations and they do not compromise on any matters related to ethics and integrity.

With the growing number of our employees, we are continuously making efforts to take it to the next level and lead by example in the industry. We intent to achieve this by: –

  • As a first step, we have appointed an independent Compliance Manager to ensure strict compliance.
  • As a second step to take this beyond simple compliance, implementing a real vision of integrity backed by top management and shared by all employees.

Ethics & integrity has been the key to our success since our origin.

Our commitments rest on the three key building blocks: –

  • Code of Conduct: This document provides a summary of all PCIS commitments and rules with regards to PCIS conduct of business. A hard and soft copy of which is shared with all employees.
  • Monitoring & implementation: Having a dedicated team of HR & compliance which clarifies the ethical rules and is responsible for monitoring their implementation. This team has full authority and independence in its functioning and reports directly to the top management. It is also a gateway for any employee to raise an alarm or discuss concerning matters.
  • Crawford training: We regularly receive training on ethics and compliance from the Training & Development department of Crawford which helps in embedding the general rules and practices of business in our day-to-day dealings. These training courses are compulsory for everyone within PCIS including employees, associates and management.

We will continue to infuse our efforts in this area to prove PCIS determination to make ethics a competitive advantage of our business operations. Moreover, we will continue to fuel our commitments by identifying initiatives that will allow us to anchor ethics even more strongly in our values and culture.